The Ultimate Guide To Tackling Tangled Hair January 22, 2025The Ultimate Guide To Tackling Tangled Hair If you regularly struggle with tangled hair, you’ll know just how frustrating and time-consuming dealing with it can be – particularly when you...
High Performing Hybrids – The Authentic Beauty Concept Must-Have’s With A Dual Purpose October 3, 2024Hybrid cosmetics have become one of the major beauty trends in recent years. The concept behind these innovative formulas involves integrating a combination of active skincare ingredients into makeup products,...
Introducing the Centred Range: Haircare, Scalp Care and Nutrition August 27, 2024If you like to stay abreast of all the latest happenings within the hair and beauty industry, you’ll have noticed a movement towards the way in which companies are now...
How Can I Protect My Hair In The Sun? June 28, 2024Now that the weather is slightly better it’s a little easier to believe that summer is finally on its way! Whilst we’re all looking forward to the holiday season -...
What Causes Frizzy Hair? April 9, 2024Now that spring is finally here, it’s time to start looking forward to those longer days and lighter nights, warmer weather, BBQ’s, trips to the beach, summer holidays… Whilst most...
Why Glowwa hair food is taking the supplement world by storm February 28, 2024Why Glowwa Hair Food ™ is Taking the Supplement World by Storm! You may, or may not yet have heard of it but I can guarantee the name Glowwa Hair...